The five themes Australia’s politicians need to focus on this election

A new year is synonymous with fresh beginnings...

Over the past two years, our country’s leaders have rightly focused on the challenges of the pandemic. While crisis management will continue to demand attention in the transition to an endemic, politicians need to win back our trust and confidence by addressing social, environmental, and economic issues that create a flourishing Australia. But instead, parliament has been stifled by corruption, bullying and sexual harassment.

Next25 Navigator (2021) found that four out of five Australians believe politicians have the most say in setting priorities for the nation, but only one in five think they are doing a good job.

The upcoming federal election is an opportunity for Australia's political leaders to raise the nation’s sights beyond the pandemic by painting a vivid picture of the country they will lead us to and how it aligns with the public's aspirations, values, and concerns.

Through Next25 Recoded (2021) and earlier research, Next25 has identified five themes to unlock progress on the big issues by improving the way Australia makes its future.

In 2022, we continue our longstanding work on the fifth theme of restoring trust between parliament and the people. In addition to Next25 Leadership, we are working with our parliamentarian alumni to build three new improvements to how politics serves the people. We have also begun working with established and emerging leaders across the country on enabling and embracing constructive discourse in Australia (theme three).

  1. Articulate and embrace an inclusive Australian identity
    This might include embracing First Nation wisdoms, our democratic feats, multiculturalism, and the efforts of everyday people, like the Rural Fire Service.

  2. Define and embrace success paradigms beyond GDP
    For example, the ongoing elevation of ESG guidelines and stakeholder capitalism in business and wellbeing budgets in government.

  3. Enable and embrace constructive discourse
    Pathways forward might involve using what we have in common as a starting point. We can use broad ideas of success or visions for the future as a means of connecting with one another, such as social cohesion, diversity, and valuing all contributions and experiences.

  4. Engage and embrace public wisdom in decision-making
    This might involve creating decision-making processes that include people with lived experience and that connect people to decision-makers to enable greater, more genuine participation.

  5. Restore trust between parliament and the people
    In addition to professional development opportunities for parliamentarians, this might include repairing the relationship between media and politics (which is seen by parliamentarians as the biggest barrier to them working in the public interest) and improving the culture of parliament for women.

Imagine if the upcoming Federal election saw politicians vying with each other to offer the best progress on these five themes?

Through Next25 Leadership, we support parliamentarians to reconnect to their values, strengthen their capability to respond to the challenges of the 21st century, and restore trust in the political system. As we approach the election, you can nominate a politician you’d like to see take advantage of this unique opportunity.